I am so far behind in life. I have dishes needing to be done, 5 loads of laundry in process, Christmas cards waiting to be addressed, Thanksgiving cards needing to be stamped, Christmas presents needing to be wrapped and hidden, floors needing to be swept, mopped and vaccumed, and the list goes on and on. But right now, Hatley is asleep, and tomorrow is the last day of November. So I need to get blogging and catch up on my 30 day's of
grateful. So I will try in the midst of everything else stareing at me, get these done and caught up by tomorrow =).
30 Days of
Grateful... Day 22.
I was
thankful for small job opportunities.
Since being unemployed I am feeling the pressure. I need a job, a steady and permanent job, but no such luck. My eyes are always open and looking, but we are trying to find something that would fit our family and our financial budget... so until then, I have been blessed with small opportunities.
I am
thankful for the small job opportunities God has given me these last few months. Subbing, watching my nieces and nephews.... I know there is job out there for me, and I know I need to remember God is in control... lately I have been really frustrated with living in Palouse. I love living here don't get me wrong. But I continue to think, if we had just stayed in Saipan. I would have a job that I LOVED, that paid the bills, that I didn't mind going to each morning. BUT I know God brought us home for a reason, I know he put us in Palouse for a reason, but now I want to know what is my reason. Where am I supposed to be? I want to be home with Hatley, but it just financially isn't possible... but I am not willing to leave her for a job I hate, where I bring home the baggage and frustration. I need to be home when I am home...
But until I find out my reason, I am
thankful for the small opportunities God has given me these last few months. And I am so thankful for the time I have had to be home with Hatley.
ps: I would be ever so
grateful for prayers about this too! =)