What a blessed day to spend time with your closest friends and family, on a tropical island, on the highest point, with the sun rising in the distance, and singing praises to Christ! Why? Because HE LIVES!
Easter Sunday was a beautiful day! Mom, Dad, Mark and I woke up early to join in the Easter Sunrise service on Mt. Topachau at 6am, the highest point on the island... Our church family was joined by many other church families, and it was a beautiful sight to see. Pastor Greg gave a wonderful sermon, the sun rose up through the clouds off in the distance, and we sang beautiful praises! Needless to say, Dad didn't get off scotch free, it was his first Easter Sunday off in probably 40 years (ahhh the life of a pastor), but Pastor Greg was great at getting him included and having him pray for our service.... it was great seeing dad up there, praying on our island! It was a perfect way the thank Jesus and remind ourselves of what he did for us!
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