This week is a week for thanksgiving and an opportunity to honor those who you are thankful for... Here is a list of things that I am thankful for...and so blessed to have:
1. MARK. I am so in love and blessed by God to have such an amazing husband. Thank you Mark for all that you do.
2. FOOD. As i sit here at the dinning table, I can smell the aroma coming from the oven of the rolls baking for our thanksgiving dinner, and oohhh do they smell so yummy.
3. AIR CON, or as we say in the states, AC. What a blessing it is to have in your home here on a humid and warm island.
4. POWER. When we first arrived on Saipan, the island was experiencing never-ending power outages... needless to say that has been worked on since. =)
5. FAMILY. We miss you so much, and want you to know we are looking forward to our time this Christmas, Spring Break and Summer with you.
6. FRIENDS. Both here on island and back home.
7. SHELTER. Here on island there are definatly the homes that have the leaky roofs, and dirt floors, what a blessing it is to have a solid roof over our heads and concrete flooring.
8. FINANCES. Not that it is always easy, but we are being blessed by Christ in many ways. He will always bless you with what you need or atleast what he thinks you need. Sometimes our ideas are alittle bigger then what they should be.
9. HEALTH. We can't always be 100% healthy, but God will not give us more then what we can handle.
10. LIFE. We often take it for granted, but we need to realize how precious it is and what a blessing it is.
~ Now for my selfish things I am thankful for~
(Not that the ones above weren't selfish in one way or another, hee)
1. MUSIC. It is something that gets me through my day and helps me sit back and clear my mind.
2. PEDICURES. Today Jackie, Sandy, Terry and I all went to a spa downtown and got some wonderful pedicures, so soothing.
3. COFFEE. Just simply delicious.
4. OCEAN. I can't believe I live so close to it, yet I take it for granted everytime I am in it.
5.BLOGS... enough said.
6. SOPHIE KINSELLA. Books that take me into another mind-set.
7. SMUT TV. Jackie and I are obsessed =), What can I say.
www.surfthechannel.com8. TRAVEL. I can't wait to see the world... Shanghi in May! States in June! Wahooo!
9. PILLOW TOPS. Oh how Mark and I miss our pillow top mattress bed....
10. UTENSILS. It is amazing what you begin to miss when you don't have it. Today as I am cooking my dishes for our Thanksgiving meal tomorrow, oh how i miss some of my kitchen utensils that would make it so much easier to cook with.
Happy Thanksgiving from Saipan, to whereever you may be reading this from. May God Bless you and your family richly this Holiday Season!
Thanks be to God for his love endures forever.