This Easter break, I wanted it to be a week of relaxing, but accomplishing a few things around the house in order to prepare for little girls arrival. As of now we have 5.5 weeks until her due date!
But as I said, I wanted this to be a week of accomplishing things, and for the most part, I did accomplish what I wanted, not 100% but I can live with that, and I also got in a few things I had not planned on.
First, I made it to 34 weeks pregnant last Friday! We are in the final homestretch, and feeling really good, for the most part. =). I am starting to get tired much more quickly, and little one has found the most horrible place to push on, my syatic nerve in my left leg... OUCH. That is all I can say =). BUT we are excited to meet this little one sooner then 5 weeks or maybe more... praying for less.
The major thing I wanted to accomplish this week was getting her a quilt made... I wanted this quilt to be something for her from Mom that she had from the day she was born, and was planning on it to kind of like a security blanket... however, I wasn't really paying much attention to the measurments... so it turned out to be more crib size, which is okay too, because now we dont have to buy much bedding! Just a bumper, and sheets! And I like the design =). But after I finished the quilt, with some of Daddy's help, i realized I had enough fabric left over, so I started again, and this time, made a her the security blanket she can take with her places... hopefully not for long, just as an infant =).... But it turned out just the right size.. and I may have enough fabric left over to make a few pillows or something when we arrive back in the states!
Because Mark and I are working at different schools this year our Easter breaks didnt line up exactly, I was home most of the week by myself. So one night, so I could get out of the house, we drove to the highest point of the island, Mount Topachau, to watch the sunset... not the best sunset, but it was certanly nice to get out of the house and be with my hubby....
And finally today was Easter Sunday, and what a beautiful day it was! We woke up at 5:30 and headed to Mt. Topachau for an Easter Sunrise service, came home made cookies, watched the Blind Side, went to a friends home for a delicious Easter dinner, came home and played cards and dice on the porch in the nice breeze, and am no relaxing even more knowing we have tomorrow off!
Overall, it wasn't an Easter break full of action, but just what we both needed before little arrives and we head back to school! I only have 4 weeks left before my maternity leave kicks in! 5 weeks until little one hopefully makes an apperance, and 6 weeks before Auntie Angela arrives on Saipan!
We hope you each had a beautiful, blessed and Christ filled Easter! What a beautiful gift he has given us!
He has Risen! He has Risen indeed!
M, B, & Coco
Nice quilts Momma! (Hi, it's DC) I was so glad the weather cleared up for Easter.
so this is random...but I love the easter morning photo of you and mark...with him wearing a beer hat! lol...LOVE the quilts too :)
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