One of the many bikers Mark and I pointed in the right direction on the trail!
Our Very own Russ Quinn crossing the finish line!
The following weekend another triathalon was being held, Saipan's 20th Annual Tagaman... Once again, no we did not compete, Mark had to take his praxis for the public school system, but I did volunteer and was placed at the TAGA KIDS triathalon, and it was a blast! It ranged from kids ages 4 to 15 years old and they were so much fun to watch... the distances were based on your age level and did they all do great or what! Even one of my own SCS 3rd graders competed and got 1st in his age group! I was so proud of Kento! I had great company also, Jen, a good friend and another wonderful lady who is wanting and is helping us out with bringing Young Life to Saipan!
Kento, his little brother and I after Kento crossed the finish line!
After helping out at TAGA KIDS, Jen and I hung around and watched the actual taga man competitors come in on the last stretch! We saw many local friends cross that finish line and were so proud!
Jen and I being cheerleaders!
Owen and Irene Gabbie, right before Owen's team mate came up and tagged him for his running part!
After these two weekends, it definatly brought a longing to both Mark and I to do some competing at these levels, well maybe not exactly these levels, but close..... However I have not been as commited, but Mark has.... This last weekend, I took Mark up to the local pool where we met our friend and fellow SCS teacher Tami, and she and Mark started his triathalon training in the pool! He has been biking/running on his own, but went to Tami for some pointers! So looks like next year niether of us will be volunteering for these events, Mark will be competing and I will be an on looking wife, slightly worried, but with a camera in hand! =)
1 comment:
I love that owen was in the triathalon, I miss them! and cute! and what is the deal with my little brother SWIMMING??? Where is my brother and what has saipan done with him?!! LOVE IT :)
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