Well, November has come and gone and I didn't, much to my lack of motivation and everything else going on in life, did not complete my 30 days of Gratefulness. However I was and am grateful. Looking forward Christmas is upon us and I am excited to see Hatley's face and excitment this year as she will understand a little bit more of what is going on... but I will get to that later.
Today I am talking, thinking, looking into and researching change. A change for our family. And in the long run, hopefully a fantastic change that will pay off, literally.
My heart still holds true to my Alma Mater, the University of Idaho, but this change will not include them.

No this time it will include the school I never dreamed of going to, the school that I purposely did not want to attend when graduating high school because everyone from Ferris was headed there. But needless to say, it is them now, that I think will be the best fit. Hello Washington State University.

Like I said, I am looking into, thinking about, and researching what it will take for me to go back to school. Since being home from Saipan I have felt lost. And not a relational loss, but a professional loss. I love being home with Hatley more then anything, But I can see the stress it has put on our family, the stress it has put on our finances, and especially the stress it has put on Mark. And I want to free him from that. I mean it is my fault in the first place that we are stuck with all the stinkin' student loans we have. Not his.
But since being home from Saipan a job has not been easy to come by, especially when your degree is Art Education, most art programs are being cut. And after teaching third grade for 2 years I know that is where my heart and passion is professionally. So here were go. I am applying for financial aid to see how this is even feasible, I am apply to WSU and hopefully beginning classes this next spring or summer to obtain my Elementary Education Endorsement and a Masters in Teaching.
I think if we can do this and it is in God's will, that this will be a great change for our family in the long run...
Would you pray about this with me? That this is God's will and if it isn't that he'll show us where to go... will you pray with me that financially we can make this all happen, and that family wise I will be able to juggle having almost 2 year old (once school actually begins), a home, a husband, substitute teach when possible, and go to school full time?
Prayers would be greatly appreciated as we are looking for God's will in my professional life. I love teaching and I know it is where I am supposed to be professionally. I think. God is it where you want me?